My philosophy of food is to go with your senses and get inspired by fresh food that engages all of your senses. I am a firm believer in eating what makes you feel good and making the connection of what we put into our bodies to how we feel. It goes without saying that when we eat fresh, alive foods we feel fresh and alive!!
Following your senses may be choosing foods that are visually appealing, presenting your meal with style, smelling the aroma of the flavours, listening to our bodies and how we feel, deciding what textures and varieties appeal to us, and of course savouring that last bite that you wish wasn’t the last.
I like to have balance in my diet, and with balance I mean I don’t really have any particular “diet”. I eat meat when I feel like I need or crave meat. I love trying new recipes, types of cuisine, and experiencing new culture’s traditions. I feel like there are so many different choices in this world and to eat the same way all of the time would get really boring so I try not to limit myself too much, however there are lots of foods that I try to avoid.
Mostly in my diet and recommendations to others I try my best to avoid processed and refined foods, fried foods, fatty meats, organs, the dirty dozen, limit red meat and pork, and try to choose Local or Organic foods whenever it is feasible and within my budget.
I love this quote: