I have a really great, halarious, and yes.. even a little embarrasing story to share with you with pictures that show each moment.. so you'll want to read this one!
A few months ago I decided that I should update my pictures on my website and get some professional photos of me in the kitchen.. in my element. I figured this would really help potential clients be able to see what I do and see me in action. Great idea, right?! Hmmm... where to start.
Well, let's just say I had been pretty anxious about this from the moment I starting thinking about doing it! I've never been one to love gettting my picture taken. I mean sure.. travel pics, selfies with the kiddos in my life, photos with my hubby, friends, and family.. all that I love! It's those "posed" pictures that just look "fake" as my husband would say that I get nervous about, especially if it's just me and for my website and business to promote myself. Promoting myself in my business has never really come easy for me!
The day of the shoot I was super nervous and nothing seemed to be going quite right. As I was steaming my shirts and aprons all of the sudden the power went off and I realized shortly after I had blown a fuse. Ofcourse we didn't have any extra fuses.. so I ended up having to plug the fridge into an extension cord and go without kitchen lights for a photo shoot that I was doing IN THE KITCHEN! Luckily we have other lighting in the kitchen and the photographer also brought his own lighting.. But while it was happening it was a little stressful.
We started setting up and I suggested I could make a Green Smoothie for us and that way it would occupy my mind and I hoped it would calm me down. This would also give me some of those "in action" shots that I had thought were such a great idea. I started making this smoothie and added anything and everything I could find to put in just to make it last as long as possible and keep me focusing on something else. This really helped! I started feeling much better and the photographer was showing me the first few photos that actually were looking pretty good! We were both just getting "warmed up" as he said.

Surprisingly the end result of the photos turned out really good in my opinion. We got some great shots that I am now excited to use on my website and most of all I realized that nothing always goes as planned and that's okay. Being nervous and anxious can really cause some damage.. Mostly just to my ego this time though. LOL> What halarious story would I have to share if this didn't happen?!
I've included some pictures that were taken after the Green Smoothie explosion just to give this story the classic happy ending. :)