SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU: Whether you read a good book, go for an after dinner walk, take a bath, or sit in a sauna before bed, it is good to find something you enjoy that is just for you everyday. This gives you a little break from everything else and gives you something to look forward to each day. What is something that you love to do that is just for you?

PARTICIPATING IN HEALTHY AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS: This could mean feeling wanted, needed, or even just a part of something. Taking time to love and be loved. Its proven time and again that when we have the support and encouragement of those around us who we care about it gives us an inner strength that words cannot describe.
MEDITATION/ SPIRITUALITY/ REFLECTION/ BELIEVING IN SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOURSELF: Taking time to clear your mind and empty any feelings or thoughts that need to be released is a good way to deal with stress, emotions, and daily events that sometimes feel overwhelming.

SLEEP: Practising healthy sleep habits is SOO important! While we sleep is when our batteries are recharging. When you charge your phone do you pull it off the charger before it is completely charged? What happens when you do? It dies quicker than it should, right? Routine is really important to keep in mind when it comes to sleep. Waking up and going to bed at the same time each nights is training our bodies into a routine, and our bodies LOVE routine when it comes to Sleep! You want to make sure you are getting into that deep sleep called REM.. which is where dreams happen and our bodies are processing information, and regenerating for the next day.

LIVE IN THE MOMENT and SLOW DOWN: Forget obsessing about the past and the future.. of course it is important to learn from the past and plan for the future, but enjoying and taking in the moment of right now is something we can all benefit from. Growing up, I had 5 older siblings and I always wanted to be older so that I could do all of things they were doing! I was growing up faster than I realized and eventually wouldn't always be able to enjoy the exciting and unforgettable experiences of just being a kid!!
HAVE A "JOB" THAT IS NEVER A "JOB": When you love what you do it means that it doesn't feel like "work". The rest will just fall into place. When you are passionate about what you do it will show in everything you do.
Well, This post is all ways of how I try to find balance. Its all a journey and we each need less or more of each at different stages of our lives.. well every day for that matter! I want to know from you..
What things are you doing when you feel most balanced?