This is a perfect explanation of how one person can be fine with a certain food and another person reacts in a variety of symptoms and has a sensitivity to a certain food. Wheat and Dairy are the 2 Main triggers that seem to be in every meal lately. You may not notice any problems or sensitivities with you or your family but its a good idea to lower the amount of each of these and try not to include them in every meal. There are a variety of other food sources that provide calcium and other nutrients that are more absorbable and less acid forming.
Other common allergens and food sensitivities are Soy, Eggs, Corn, Sugar, peanuts, shellfish, citrus fruit and tree nuts. There are many more but these are just more common ones. The reason this is being addressed is to avoid any future intolerances by reducing the overall load of particular foods and adding variety into your diet. Food sensitivities and intolerances occur when one eats more of a food then his/ her system can process efficiently. I am going to focus on some of the main ones that are found in a lot of common, everyday meals.
Skin rashes (can show up as Eczema, Psoriasis, hives, red bumps, etc), vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, gas, bloating, mood swings, headaches, migraines, wheezing, runny noses, irritability, asthma, hyperactivity in children, etc.
Wheat: Choose Gluten Free Options, use Gluten free grains: quinoa, millet, Amaranth, Buckwheat, Teff, Brown Rice, Brown Jasmine and Basmati Rice, Wild Rice, etc.
Soy: Since Soy is in so many things (milk, condiments, tofu, salad dressings, etc) and is a highly processed and Genetically Modified Food it is creating intolerances. There are lots of alternatives and soy in small amounts is best.
Sugar: Natural Sweeteners such as Raw, Unpasteurized honey is tasty and has a variety of anti bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-biotic properties and contains over 5000 live enzymes. Honey is great for the immune system, promotes healing, and prevents infections. Other alternatives to sugar are Agave Nectar, Pure Maple Syrup, Coconut Sugar and Syrup, and Stevia.
Eggs: Very health promoting especially in their whole form but enjoy them in moderation. If you can, choose Local and know where they are coming from and what farming practises are used.
Corn: The best way to avoid having corn in everything is to move towards a Whole Food Diet, Over consumption of corn is happening because it is in so many packaged and processed foods. Corn is a popular genetically modified food.
How To Avoid These Foods:
The best way to avoid theses common allergens are to make most of your meals yourself and this is the best way to know what is in the food you are eating. Sticking to a simple, whole food diet will ensure real ingredients with no additives, preservatives, thickeners, and unnecessary or unknown ingredients.
Since Dairy is so common and everyone worries about getting enough Calcium I have included the link to make your own Almond Milk with a recipe that is on my website. All milk can be very costly and contain a lot of additives and preservatives so to know what is in your milk, to save money, and have a milk that is in it's freshest form it is best to make it yourself! Almonds are naturally high in Calcium and you could also add Sesame seeds for added Calcium and/or Raw Cacao powder which is high in Magnesium and Antioxidants to make your own delicious chocolate milk and choose a sweetener you enjoy!
Click here for the Vanilla Almond Milk Recipe

Also, Check out my Upcoming Cooking and UnCooking (Raw) Classes and Workshops! I have another Smoothies and Juicing workshop on May 14th, Raw UnCooking Class May 22nd, and a Healthy Thai Inspired Cooking Class on May 28th. These are great Mother's Day Gift ideas for spending quality time together and learning about healthy, delicious food! Register Today to reserve your spot, as there are limited spaces!